Our pets, like our children, require constant attention and care. Cats are no exception. Proper cat care is more than just feeding them delicious food and cleaning the litter box. Like all living beings, cats are prone to diseases, including those affecting their skin. It’s important to remember that parasites also love our pets but in their own way. It’s better to prevent parasites from our “smaller brothers”, or at least to get rid of them in time! Trimming a cat can greatly help us in this. Let’s see when trimming your cat is necessary, and how to trim a cat at the salon or home.
How to trim a cat
What to know
When is cat trimming necessary?
Thick fur can be very beautiful, but if it’s too tight and also too dense, what can it lead to? The fact is that cats are poorly adapted to the conditions of a hot climate. Most felines aren’t good at removing excess heat. And in such conditions, thick and dense fur with an undercoat becomes a real problem. If, during a hot season, you don’t have the opportunity to lower the temperature, then the best solution would be to trim the cat.
Long fur is also a desirable trait. But, we all know how cats love to take care of themselves, and constantly wash and lick themselves. In this case, the wool is swallowed, which then forms woolen balls in the animal’s gastrointestinal tract. They lead to the irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, which at best causes vomiting, and at worst can lead to intestinal blockage.
“Hairballs” – there is nothing beautiful here. If there is no proper care for the pet’s fur, and it’s quite long, this can lead to the formation of “hairballs” – clumps of tangled fur. Untangling them is impossible (at least without special tools). And the right solution here would be to trim the cat. If there are only a few “hairballs”, the procedure can be done locally. If not, you should do a full haircut and comb the fur as it grows.
Another unpleasant problem is the cat’s illness. During treatment, access to local areas of the skin may be required. For example, when treatment is carried out with drugs for external use. In this case, thick fur is only an obstacle to the proper application of the medication. The same can be said in the case of a planned operation, where fur needs to be removed from the area being worked on.
It is also necessary to mention the problem, not so much of cats, but of their owners – the owner of the cat is allergic. If the animal’s hair provokes allergies, a haircut may be necessary. However, as a rule, people with allergies tend to prefer short-haired or hairless cats.
Cat grooming at the salon
Benefits of grooming your cat at the salon:
A professional cat groomer knows how to handle your pet properly. In the case when the cat is categorically against the procedure, the specialist can use a sedative or anesthesia.
During the grooming, the groomer (hairdresser) can inform you about the presence of problems with the fur or skin of your pet.
A good professional can only do model haircuts and haircuts before a show, taking into account the breed requirements.
The only disadvantage of a salon haircut – you will have to pay for it. In our salon, “OH Grooming”, the cost of this service starts from ___ EUR.
How to trim a cat at home
Trimming a cat’s fur isn’t the easiest and most enjoyable activity. A couple of assistants are needed if you decide to carry out this procedure yourself. It’s also better that one of them should know how to do it. You will need:
Table – it is preferable to cover it with a soft cloth (you can also use an ironing board)
Scissors (ideally simple and for feathering)
Comb (it’s better to use the one that you usually comb out your pet – familiar things will calm them down)
Hydrogen peroxide (3% suitable)
Cotton wool
Place the cat on the table, and let the assistants hold it firmly by the paws. Start by carefully trimming the back, avoiding the head – it can be harmful. Then move on to the belly, then the paws, and finish with the tail. Make sure to stretch all the folds of the skin to avoid injury. If any cuts occur, treat them with hydrogen peroxide. After the procedure is complete, you need to bathe the pet.
If the reasons why a cat haircut is necessary do not apply to you and your pet, then a haircut isn’t obligatory, but possible. The decision is up to you. It’s not advisable to overdo this procedure too often. For more detailed information, you can schedule a consultation at the salon “OH Grooming” here or by calling +xx(xxx)xxx-xxxx.
Hundesalon salon “OH Grooming”

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Monday: 10.00 - 21.00
Tuesday: 10.00 - 21.00
Wednesday: 10.00 - 21.00
Thursday: 10.00 - 21.00
Friday: 10.00 - 21.00
Saturday: 10.00 - 21.00
Sunday: 10.00 - 21.00