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Hygienic care of animals

What to know

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What is included in hygienic care?

It’s important to understand one simple but very useful thing – for your pet to be healthy, look beautiful, and feel good, it’s not enough just to feed, bathe, and walk them properly. It’s very essential to follow some mandatory sanitary and hygienic procedures. What are we talking about?

Ear cleaning

In animals, as well as in humans, the inner surface of the auricle is covered with special protective secretions – earwax. Earwax protects the ear from dust and dirt and accumulates over time. Therefore, periodically (approximately every two months), it’s necessary to clean your pet’s ears. Moreover, for cats, this procedure can be done with cotton buds moistened in a special lotion. It’s better not to use cotton buds for dogs, but rather to wash their ears with the same lotion. In addition, during the ear care procedure for dogs, the groomer performs gentle removal of excess hair in the ear shells.

Eye hygiene

If your pet doesn’t have any eye diseases, monthly hygiene care for the eyes will be enough. Typically, this involves rinsing tear ducts, cleaning, and, if necessary, washing the eyes with special solutions. Long-haired pets need to have the hair around the eyes trimmed.

Some breeds require more careful eye care. For example, Persian cats, Pekingese, and Pugs have slightly different skull structures compared to their relatives. They have short nasal passages, which increases the likelihood of respiratory diseases. Also, these breeds are more prone to tearing eyes due to the deformation of the nasolacrimal canal. As a result, hygienic eye procedures for these pets should be carried out more frequently, paying closer attention.


To trim a pet’s claws correctly and painlessly, it’s essential to understand their structure and use a special tool. The structure of the claw differs from the structure of human nails. The claw has a rounded shape (tubular), and the nails are flat. Inside, the claw has a pulp (a fleshy formation with blood capillaries), and the nail is homogeneous throughout its length. As a consequence of these differences, regular human tools like scissors and manicure clippers aren’t suitable for trimming tubular shapes. With a high probability, using such tools can simply crush the claw, causing pain to the pet. Professional groomers use nail clippers (a special tool that is guillotine type and scissors). In this case, it’s important to trim the claws in the right place to avoid harming the pulp. After trimming, the claws are sharpened with a nail file.

Dental Care

Human problems arise with the teeth of both dogs and cats – dental plaque, dental stones, periodontitis, prolapsed (tooth loss), etc. Therefore, as well as for people, oral hygiene is important for animals. Treatment of the oral cavity involves using various brushes, pastes, gels, special sprays, and sometimes even ultrasonic cleaning is possible.

Bathing and grooming

Washing dogs and cats is no less a responsible process than all the procedures mentioned above. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing particularly special about bathing. However, this is only an opinion. Let’s take a closer look.

Let’s start with dogs. Dogs and humans have different PH levels, which means that a dog’s skin is much drier and, one might say, more delicate than humans. Therefore, regular human products like soap and shampoo shouldn’t be used for bathing dogs. There are special shampoos for dogs (for different types of fur), conditioners, etc. In the case of elderly dogs, the skin is even drier, so there are also specialized products for them. The water for bathing should be neither too hot nor too cold, ideally between 34 ℃ and 37 ℃. After bathing, it’s essential to thoroughly dry the fur. The frequency of bathing is typically around once every two weeks.

As for cats, they have sebaceous glands that secrete a fatty substance. When these glands secrete, cats distribute the substance across their fur. Hence, during professional grooming, a special paste is first applied to remove the remnants of dead epidermis adhered to the skin. There’s a range of shampoos and grooming aids for cats, tailored to different breeds – long-haired, short-haired, and hairless. Restoring the pH balance after the procedure involves special masks, nourishing sprays, conditioners, and rinsing balms.

Now let’s talk about cats. Cats have sebaceous glands that produce a fat secretion. When cats are licking themselves, they distribute this secretion throughout their fur. Therefore, during professional grooming, the cat’s fur is first degreased with a special paste, which allows you to remove the remnants of the dead epidermis. Just like for dogs, there are many shampoos and other care products available for washing cats. Different products are used depending on the breed – for long-haired, short-haired, and hairless cats. After the procedure, it’s necessary to restore the pH balance, for which special masks, nourishing sprays, conditioners, and rinse balms are used.

Now let’s talk about cats. Cats have sebaceous glands that produce a fat secretion. When cats are licking themselves, they distribute this secretion throughout their fur. Therefore, during professional grooming, the cat’s fur is first degreased with a special paste, which allows you to remove the remnants of the dead epidermis. Just like for dogs, there are many shampoos and other care products available for washing cats. Different products are used depending on the breed – for long-haired, short-haired, and hairless cats. After the procedure, it’s necessary to restore the pH balance, for which special masks, nourishing sprays, conditioners, and rinse balms are used.

Our Address:

Hundesalon salon “OH Grooming”


101 Dalmatians

Our Contacts


+49 ?? ??? ?? ??-?





Work schedule

Monday: 10.00 - 21.00

Tuesday: 10.00 - 21.00

Wednesday: 10.00 - 21.00

Thursday: 10.00 - 21.00

Friday: 10.00 - 21.00

Saturday: 10.00 - 21.00

Sunday: 10.00 - 21.00

101 Dalmatians